Mons pubis liposuction
What is it?
It is an ambulatory surgical procedure that consists of the suction of the fat accumulated in this area, that is, above the pubis.
Before the surgery
It was decided to perform a liposuction of the mount of Venus for:
improve self esteem
Accumulation of fat in the mons pubis
Aesthetically improve the genital area
Give harmony to the genital area
During surgery
This surgery can last between 1 and 3 hours, depending on whether it is performed alone or with another intimate surgery during the same surgical time.
Suction of excessive adipose tissue is performed on the mount of Venus through liposuction, through small incisions through which the cannulas enter, leaving almost imperceptible scars, achieving very satisfactory results.
After surgery
It generates a disability of 1 to 5 days, you must follow all the post-surgical recommendations to obtain optimal results.
NOTE:Sometimes it can be done with other intimate surgery, such asVaginoplastyILabiaplasty.